EOM 1352: Fri 7 June 2024, 11:36
Catalyst 7 July 2023, 14:52

Current Edition

Discovery Park: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:35
The Pharmacy Adjudicated Clinical Study Supply Process Decreases Risk, Cuts the Cost and Improves the Efficiency when Providing Subjects Unblinded Clinical Study Supplies
Editorial Archive

The Pharmacy Adjudicated Clinical Study Supply Process Decreases Risk, Cuts the Cost and Improves the Efficiency when Providing Subjects Unblinded Clinical Study Supplies

Supply chain efficiency in the conduct of clinical studies is a critical factor determining part of the overall cost. When appropriate, unblinded clinical study suppl...
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The AI Advantage
Editorial Archive

The AI Advantage

Life sciences can’t afford not to take advantage of intelligent web and social listening technology. It is the only way they can hope to cut through the online noise ...
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Transforming Clinical Research through Cloud Computing Technology
Editorial Archive

Transforming Clinical Research through Cloud Computing Technology

The process of carrying out clinical research and conducting clinical trials is very expensive, complicated and time-consuming. Clinical research organisations (CROs)...
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Behind the Smoke and Mirrors of IDMP Solutions
Editorial Archive

Behind the Smoke and Mirrors of IDMP Solutions

Life sciences technology vendors and consultancies are busy promoting identification of medicinal products (IDMP) compliance solutions, which seems odd, given that ma...
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The Assumptions of Data Capture
Editorial Archive

The Assumptions of Data Capture

Within the field of clinical research, there has been, for many years, a move away from the use of paper as a form of data capture, in favour of electronic data captu...
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The Epidemic “Fléau” of Diabetes Mellitus and the Need for a New Era of Therapies and Prevention
Editorial Archive

The Epidemic “Fléau” of Diabetes Mellitus and the Need for a New Era of Therapies and Prevention

  Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions and currently affects 71 million people worldwide. Diabetes is a chronic disease that can seriously impact the qualit...
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The Role of Biomarkers in Parkinson’s Disease
Editorial Archive

The Role of Biomarkers in Parkinson’s Disease

In Parkinson’s disease, PD, the examination of post-mortem brain tissue has led to the identification of relevant molecular pathways and genes that have allowed for t...
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Regulations and Recruitment: Experiences in the Middle East
Editorial Archive

Regulations and Recruitment: Experiences in the Middle East

The potential for the pharmaceuticals industry in the Middle East is vast, and growing. Clinical research is also growing, alongside pharma, in the region, despite va...
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A Touch of Pragmatism in Clinical Trials
Editorial Archive

A Touch of Pragmatism in Clinical Trials

Since Schwartz and Lellouch coined the terms “pragmatic” in 1967 to describe trials designed to help choose between options for care, and “explanatory” to describe tr...
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The Evolving Role of Medical Affairs: Opportunities for Discovery, Preclinical and Clinical Research
Editorial Archive

The Evolving Role of Medical Affairs: Opportunities for Discovery, Preclinical and Clinical Research

Medical affairs and marketing worked hand in hand but at the same time this relationship was sometimes also conflictual. It was common for the marketing department to...
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Catalyst: Fri 8 November 2024, 14:16
Pharmap: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:36
Biosynth: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:18