At the very top of your article and before the article begins, please provide full details of all Author/s. This should be placed above the title of the editorial and be at the length of a 60–70-word biography. Please include an email address for each author.
This needs to be sent to us in a word document. Please mark clearly which part of the text needs to be in a standout box (colour coded). Please position any images in the word document as well, so we can clearly see where each image needs to stay.
Article Title: The article title should be no more than 10 words and should not require a subtitle.
Leading Paragraph: The first /leading paragraph should be bolder than the rest of the body in the full article. Therefore, please consider the length and storyline when commencing the article, as longer paragraphs can bore readers. We do want readers to be engrossed. and encouraged to read the remainder of the editorial.
Main Body Paragraphs: Consider the layout as the length of a paragraph may change. This occurs with image location and page ends in a document affected by the structure of the column in the final documents. To help this, please keep paragraphs to 5 sentences or more. This will reduce the occurrence of fragmentation. All paragraphs should be grammatically correct.
Bullet Points: All Bullet Points should be grammatically correct. Please use a Colon when commencing on the use to listing, using bullet points. A list of 5 or more bullet points at a time is preferred as it justifies the use of them within an editorial. Use commas after each bullet when listing in a sequence.
Body References: When referencing your article information, please use its designated number of references with a pair of brackets, for Example: (1) or (1, 2, 5) for multiple references. Do not use superscript or other method of identification, as this formatting may not be recognised in the final article. Please see the reference list guidelines below for further/ related information.
Images: All photographic images used in the article should be sent as a separate file. Please identify their related figure number with the article. Each image should be sent in as large size as is possible (resolution of at least 200dpi). Resolution of 300dpi is preferred.
Note: images saved from a website(s) are most likely to be around 72dpi and small. Web images when printed will be pixeled and unattractive. Suggested file formats are JPEG, TIFF, PSD or BMP. Please do not send GIF or PNG, these are web file formats.
Tables: When producing a table, please use a typical spreadsheet package and send these over as a separate file name. Please remember to use the corresponding table number that appears within the article.
Note: remove all figures and styling if any has been applied.
Diagrams: All diagrams should be carefully created with the final document in mind. Therefore, it is important to remember, that each diagram must be contained within one, two or three column widths. This does mean that it is likely to need to be rescaled. Each diagram should be sent as an individual file and named by its corresponding figure number that is used within the article. We accept EPS and PDF file types.
Note: high resolution (300+dpi) images are accepted as alternatives.
Reference List: HCM uses the standard reference Nomenclature, please see below: (Printed Example)
1. Stacey, F. D., Brown, K. & Smith, L. Maintenance of Genomic Methylation. Mol. Cell Biol. 32, 123–125 (1999). (Website Example)
2., visited on 23 Jun 2010.
Note: we welcome well referenced articles however, please consider the space they will require within the final article.
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