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Current Edition

Discovery Park: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:35

Scientists develop the first blood test for melanoma detection

The new blood test detects the autoantibodies produced in the body in response to the melanoma.

Scientists at the Edith Cowan University (ECU), Australia, have developed a blood test to detect melanoma in its early stages.
The blood test trial was carried out on 105 people with melanoma and a control group of 104 healthy individuals. The test detected early-stage melanoma in 79 per cent of cases.
According to the scientific team, patients who have their melanoma detected in its early stage have a five-year survival rate between 90-99 per cent, whereas if it is not caught early and it spreads around the body, the five-year survival rate drops to less than 50 per cent.
Melanoma is currently identified through a visual scan of an affected skin area and then a biopsy is conducted on the area. But these biopsies are invasive and costly, with previous research showing that the Australian health system spends $201 million on melanoma each year with an additional $73 million on negative biopsies.
The new blood test detects the autoantibodies produced in the body in response to the melanoma. This test would serve as a tool to detect melanoma in its early stages before it spreads throughout the body.
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