EOM 1352: Fri 7 June 2024, 11:36
Catalyst 7 July 2023, 14:52

Current Edition

Discovery Park: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:35

Import of Investigational Medicinal Products into Israel

Israel has a robust and growing pharmaceutical industry, particularly for biopharmaceuticals and advanced therapeutic medicinal products (ATMP). It is home to one of the largest generic drug companies in the world, which invests in Israeli drug development companies supporting the growth and development of new medicines. Because of its close links with Europe and the US, many of the new products being developed in Israel undergo clinical trials in Europe and the USA.  Rachel Griffiths of Biotec Services International explores the legislation that has been passed to make the transfer of medicinal products between countries easier.

Catalyst: Fri 8 November 2024, 14:16
Pharmap: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:36
Biosynth: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:18