EOM 1352: Fri 7 June 2024, 11:36
Catalyst 7 July 2023, 14:52

Current Edition

Discovery Park: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:35

DIA 2016: Exco InTouch showcases groundbreaking mobile technology product for advanced data capture and mobile eCOA solutions

Exco InTouch will demonstrate advanced technology to enhance clinical trial efficiencies and improve engagement for all stakeholders in the clinical trials process.

16 June 2016: Exco InTouch, the leading provider of patient engagement and data capture solutions for clinical research and healthcare providers, joins the DIA 2016 Annual Meeting to address eCOA (electronic clinical outcomes assessments) and engagement solutions. The company will showcase its new innovative Gather™ product suite that addresses the key industry challenge of developing solutions that engage with all the major clinical trial stakeholder groups – expanding the reach of digital technology beyond patients to sponsors, study teams and site managers.
This year’s DIA event will focus on how to accelerate the development of new therapies and speed up efforts to enhance health and wellbeing. Recent advances in digital technology can now support sponsors, sites and study teams in achieving this by providing real-time data as well as tailored reports and insights, enabling them to make faster, more effective, evidence-based decisions. Technology has had a significant impact on patient engagement within clinical trials – and can now bring similar benefits to everyone else involved.
Exco InTouch’s Gather product suite offers the industry a completely new way to manage stakeholder engagement in clinical trials and is specifically designed to simplify and connect the traditionally independent technology systems, making clinical technology adoption simpler and more efficient for sponsors, sites and patients.  For example, as part of Exco InTouch’s drive to open up communication amongst patients, doctors and PAGs (Patient Advocacy Groups), visitors to its booth will be able to experience first-hand a demonstration of the company’s new TARGET My Hives digital health network. This is the first digital health community for everyone impacted by chronic urticaria which is already helping to create a vital support network that patients have long needed. The community has already attracted over 2,000 patient registrations from 61 different countries, further helping to reduce the sense of isolation that people with the condition often feel.
Exco InTouch will be showcasing several other market-leading eCOA and ePRO (electronic Patient Reported Outcomes) solutions available through the Gather product suite including the integration of medical devices and the incorporation of validated instruments into both patient diaries and site-based questionnaires.
Tim Davis, CEO and Founder of Exco InTouch commented: “We are looking forward to sharing how our new Gather product suite is already helping to accelerate efforts to enhance health and wellbeing in both clinical trials and healthcare. It is bringing real benefits to not only patients but also many other key stakeholders and the DIA Annual Meeting provides us with an excellent platform to share these insights with the industry.”
Exco InTouch will be presenting ‘Enhancing patient centered research: combining technology with other direct-to-patient contact strategies’ on Tuesday 28th June at Session 263. The presentation will focus on offering the audience an in-depth understanding of the challenges of implementing a truly patient-centered approach to clinical research and how to combine strategies using the rising capability of technology. Exco InTouch will also be presenting a poster on ‘Comparing equivalence of EQ-5D-5L PROM across Paper and Electronic Modes of Administration’.
The company will be demonstrating its technologies and solutions at Booth 624.

Catalyst: Fri 8 November 2024, 14:16
Biosynth: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:18