EOM 1352: Fri 7 June 2024, 11:36
Catalyst 7 July 2023, 14:52

Current Edition

Discovery Park: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:35

Clinerion partners with Volv Global to bring treatment earlier to patients by enhancing diagnosis search on Patient Network Explorer with inTrigue AI algorithms 

ꟷ     Volv Global’s inTrigue AI algorithms identify diagnostic signals from patient medical record data and help patients receive treatment earlier by enabling earlier diagnosis, particularly of rare and difficult to diagnose diseases.ꟷ     The partnership brings this capability to the Patient Network Explorer platform, which comprises patient data from across Clinerion’s global network of hospital partners.ꟷ     Use of Volv’s inTrigue AI algorithms on Patient Network Explorer will allow more intelligent and earlier identification of disease onset among patients in Clinerion’s network, and therefore earlier therapeutic and clinical treatment to many more patients. The partnership between Clinerion and Volv Global brings benefits to patients by combining Volv’s uniquely accurate cohort identification algorithms with Clinerion’s growing data network of hospitals around the world. The Volv and Clinerion partnership will deploy Volv’s inTrigue algorithms across many more hospitals and this will create tangible outcomes for patients who suffer from late diagnosis of between seven and 15 years, as well as from misdiagnosis and subsequent increased disease burden. Volv’s inTrigue toolset offers enhanced clinical trial cohort selection and patient modeling for earlier diagnosis of rare and difficult to diagnose diseases.

This supports rare disease communities who wish to be able to deploy effective early diagnostic signaling tools to help patients get earlier referral and confirmatory diagnosis. Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer leverages patient electronic health record (EHR) data to offer data intelligence for the acceleration of drug development, bringing innovative drugs earlier to patients. PNEx performs real-time patient data analytics on electronic medical records from Clinerion’s network of connected hospitals to offer solutions for clinical trial patient recruitment and generate data for real-world evidence. This process accelerates recruitment, the most prominent reason for trial delays, which result in avoidable suffering of patients and cost pharmaceutical companies sales revenues. “Our partnership brings direct benefits to patients by combining Volv’s uniquely accurate cohort identification algorithms with Clinerion’s rapidly growing data network of hospitals around the world,“ says Christopher Rudolf, CEO of Volv. “We can jointly offer a wider reach for earlier diagnosis of rare diseases and enhanced clinical trial cohort selection through the inTrigue toolset and Clinerion’s PNEx.” “AI integration is the next crucial step in the development of Patient Network Explorer,” says Ian Rentsch, Clinerion CEO. “Volv’s technologies will support us in harnessing the full power of the patient data in our hospital partners’ databases, to the betterment of patient outcomes throughout our network.” 

Clinerion and Volv Global will launch their partnership at a special event at the Intelligent Health AI conference on September 11th-12th, in Basel, Switzerland. Please contact the press officers below if you would like to interview representatives of the two companies.  About ClinerionClinerion accelerates clinical research and medical access to treatments for patients. We use proprietary technologies for analysis of patient data from our global network of partner hospitals. Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer radically improves the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical trial recruitment by offering data-driven protocol optimization, site feasibility evaluation and real-time patient search and identification to match patients to treatments. Our technology solution provides real-world evidence analytics for medical access. Clinerion facilitates the participation of partner hospitals in leading-edge, industry-sponsored trials and time savings in patient recruitment. We create innovative and disruptive fit-for-purpose solutions which enable pharmaceutical companies to shorten patient recruitment and save costs by streamlining operations and leveraging strategic intelligence.

Clinerion’s proprietary Big Data analytics technologies leverage real-time data from electronic health records which comply with international patient privacy and data security regulations. Clinerion is a global data technology service company headquartered in Switzerland.Clinerion website: www.clinerion.comClinerion’s Patient Network Explorer: www.clinerion.com/index/OverviewOurSolutions/ClinerionPatientNetworkExplorer For more information, please contact:Le Vin ChinDirector, Head of Marketing & CommunicationsClinerion LtdElisabethenanlage 11, 4051 Basel, SwitzerlandTel.: +41 61 865 60 54media@clinerion.com  About Volv Global SAVolv is a Swiss is an AI and applied data science company based in Lausanne that produces solutions to address key critical issues in Healthcare for today and tomorrow. We develop differentiated Artificial Intelligence methodologies addressing a defined set of problems in healthcare, and have solutions that are targeted on rare diseases, personalised medicines and difficult-to-diagnose diseases with the product inTrigue. We also focus on cognitive disorders with inCognita, and are working on breakthrough management solutions for anti-microbial resistance and personalised oncology.With unique tools, including some that are focused on finding weak signals in sparse, unstructured and structured data,

Volv has a unique position in the Artificial Intelligence landscape. This allows us to focus on tangible economic and healthcare outcomes by differentiating patient cohorts and symptoms in a novel way that is required for the next generation of healthcare and the change in population dynamics that we see evolving. Volv’s toolsets are repeatable solutions that can fit into any data environment and allow rapid return on investment for our customers, building to longer term strategic partnerships.Volv Global website: www.volv.global For more information, please contact:Jan PrinsBusiness OfficerVolv Global SA, Digital Health Hub, Building SE-A, Route de la Corniche 3, 1066 Epalinges, SwitzerlandTel.: +41 79 739 37 05jprins@volv.global

Catalyst: Fri 8 November 2024, 14:16
Biosynth: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:18