EOM 1352: Fri 7 June 2024, 11:36
Catalyst 7 July 2023, 14:52

Current Edition

Discovery Park: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:35
Ramus Medical Ltd

Ramus Medical Ltd

Ramus Corporate Group is a union between Ramus Medical and Medical Diagnostic Laboratory Ramus. Ramus Medical is a full service Contract Research Organization based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Medical Diagnostic Laboratory Ramus is the biggest private laboratory in Bulgaria.
Since 2010 Ramus Medical has built strong portfolio – Ramus team has successfully completed more than 40 clinical trials – BE/BA studies & NIS on drugs from the following group antibiotics, corticosteroids, non-steroid anti-inflammatory on medical products with different formulations and clinical investigations on medical devices. The medicinal products, being investigated by Ramus Medical have MA granting in the EU.
From  2018 Ramus Medical has its privately owned in-house clinical research Centre and Phase I unit.
Ramus Medical have an in-house experienced team with strong project management skills and a keen understanding of regulatory requirements in each jurisdiction for study execution and commercialization.
We carry out the clinical project as team, we are result oriented and we monitor the external situation with mission to comply with the comprehensive global and governmental regulatory processes.

Ramus Medical building partnerships with key opinion leaders as principal investigators and dedicated research team with good reputations. PIs working for Ramus Medical have a valuable role in designing protocols significant positive impact on timely ethics and governance approvals, answering medical questions interact with key investors to confirm the commitments to the trial and its benefit to patient recruitment and provision of quality scientifically meaningful data. The ability to meet recruitment targets is facilitated by having access to the actual patient pool available.
As stakeholder in the value chain of entire drug development process Ramus Medical contributes to manage time, costs and performance to guarantee the achievement of project objectives within the desired parameters and quality level. Usually Ramus Medical carry out the entire study utilizing years of experience in clinical development and commercialization from planning, medical writing to the final report preparation. Depending on the requirements, the Sponsor can also make use of only individual modules of our services clinical development, launching a product or are managing a portfolio across the development and product life-cycle – as clinical data capture, data management, statistical analysis, as well as Readability User Testing, Hazardous Waste Management and Logistics services.
Ramus Medical is closely related to the Medical Diagnostic Laboratory Ramus Ltd, founded in 2001. The Laboratory is the largest private clinical laboratory in Bulgaria with 15 laboratories operating in the big cities in Bulgaria. The laboratories are fully equipped and work with analyzers, consumables and reagent of the highest quality.  The lab participate regularly in all national external systems for quality control as well as in many international ones. Over the years the laboratory provides services as Safety and central laboratory for more than 300 Clinical Trials for Bulgarian, EU and US Sponsors.
Bio – Analytical Department of Laboratory Ramus is the only one in Bulgaria with ISO/IEC 17025:2006 accreditation.
CRO & Laboratories have well-designed quality systems and procedures which are capable of meeting the relevant regulatory requirements. They are certified in compliance with the requirements of the International Standard for Quality Management System. Ramus Medical and Medical Diagnostic Laboratory Ramus are regularly audited by the Sponsors.
Ramus Medical have been audited by Navigant Consulting in October 2016 and inspected by the Bulgarian Drug Agency in November 2017

Medical Diagnostic Laboratory Ramus Ltd                      Ramus Medical Ltd
2-4, Angista Str.                                                                        4, Angista Str.
1527 Sofia, Bulgaria                                                                 1527 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel/Fax: +359 2 944 82 06                                                      Tel.Fax: +359 2 841 23 69
www.ramuslab.com                                                                 www.ramusmedical.com
e-mail: info@ramuslab.com                                                    e-mail: office@ramusmedical.com

Catalyst: Fri 8 November 2024, 14:16
Pharmap: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:36
Biosynth: Wed 13 November 2024, 10:18